The Secret Pleasures of Committing to a Goal



The Secret Pleasures of Committing to a Goal


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Does just the word send shivers down your spine?  


There are those who believe committing to your goals requires all hustle and slay. 


There are those so traumatized by that approach that they have disavowed goal setting all together.  


Neither of these approaches are right or wrong. 


They are just old ways of operating that might not be working for you anymore. 


There is tremendous pleasure in setting goals and meeting them, when what's driving you, matters to you.


If you're tired of relying on a shame cycle to push yourself into action...


If you want to feel more drawn by love than driven by fear in pursuing your goals...


If you're feeling crunched by the masculine, but foggy in the feminine, and you're ready to bring these superpowers together....


Then let's get crackin' my friend!  

 Change your story, change your life. 

This event has already happened - but you're still in luck! 

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In this free workshop you will learn how to...

End the Shame Cycle  

You'll explore why the adrenaline fueled, pitchfork-at-your-back approach to meeting your goals isn't working, and shift to being drawn by passion rather than driven by fear.

Write a new, embodied commitment story

We change our lives by changing our stories.  Through powerful writing and embodiment exercises, you will re-define what it means to create Soulful Success. 

Merge action with imagination 

When the masculine superpower of action meets the feminine superpower of imagination, that's when things become REALLY...FUN.  You'll learn how to embrace these powers to activate your full creative capacity. 

Release blocks in the mind and the body   

While shifting the mind is essential to rewriting your commitment story, it is only one part of your intelligence.  Through Somatic Psychology and embodiment practices you'll release old stories and create new neural pathways of power. 

About Mary

Hi! I'm Mary Lofgren, creator of Embodied Intelligence.


Embodied Intelligence is a unique coaching system that unifies mindfulness, mindset, the creative arts and somatic (body based) psychology.  I help my clients illuminate the mind, elevate the body and create their lives from soul. 


Whether its a higher income level or lowered stress, excellence in your spreadsheets or in your sex life, every goal possesses the same base ingredient - purpose driven commitment. 


I have grown to love setting and meeting goals. 


It has taught me so much about loving myself, trusting myself, and intentionally showing up as the person I want to be. 


But this was not always the case.  


Growing up, my Dad loved to echo the word "habitus", latin for discipline.  As someone who was one step away from taking his final vows a priest when he met my Mom, commitment and discipline really worked for him! 


For a sensitive, creative, empathic little soul like mine, this version of commitment nearly crushed my tender spirit.  

Reimagining my relationship to commitment in a way that unifies my masculine and feminine superpowers has truly changed my life. 


If you hold a story of disappointment and frustration when it comes to creating your goals, it's not because you're undisciplined or not committed. 


It's because the current system of slaying, killing and crushing your goals just doesn't work for you!  


You can rewrite your own story of commitment.

One that is filled with depth, meaning, and purpose.


One that stars you alongside the supporting cast of community, because you were never meant to do this alone. 


One where you don't have to show up as the victorious solitary hero, but instead as the humble warrior. 


When a dream or desire knocks on your door, it isn't just about you, my friend. 


It's about what is asking to be created through you.


Depth meeting direction. 

Imagination meeting action. 

Intuition meeting effort.


These ingredients by themselves are powerful. 


When used together, anything is possible.


I can't wait to see you in class. 

Driven by purpose, invigorated by action.


This event has already happened - but you're still in luck! 

You can access the playback for a limited time. Just enter your details here for immediate access: 

By signing up here you'll also be subscribed to semi-weekly updates, which you can unsubscribe from at any time if you wish!