Healing Heartbreak Support Kit

Open a jar of comforting balm and strengthening salve to support your healing process in this support kit.

Inside you’ll find:

  • A 15-minute Affirmation Audio specifically designed for the experience of heartbreak, stirring your resilience and softening tension in the mind and body.

  • The Heart Healing Support Journal with three powerful exercises, printable affirmations and rich resources.

  • The Honey Heart Meditation with vivid imagery and deep relaxation to bathe the heart in a golden glow.

  • A rich playlist to guide your journey


Kind Words From Customers:

Mary's meditations are a siren song to go back into my body, like a warm comforting hug to the nervous system. No matter how challenging my day has been, my body becomes soft, my heartbeat slows, and my brain finds clarity.

Sonia Figueroa

Mary’s meditations are like an artisanal chocolaterie: so simple, yet so luxe. They ignite my imagination, while also grounding me in my body. Vivid and sensual, with the perfect amount of pause to fill with stillness and personal experience.

Xandra Sunglim Burns

$25.00 USD

Refund Policy: as this is a digital product delivered immediately, there are no refunds. 

I understand that this product is for my own enjoyment and enrichment, and is not a replacement for therapy or clinical mental health treatment. 

I understand that my purchase will automatically subscribe me to receive emails from Mary, including marketing emails, and that I can unsubscribe at anytime.