Come, relax, and be curious. 

This class will be available for free through Tuesday June 21st

What does it mean to embody an open heart? 


Great question.

Hi, I'm Mary Lofgren.  I'm a certified Feminine Embodiment Coach, the host of the Come To Your Senes Podcast, and creator of the Embodied Intelligence Coaching Method.  

I never really liked the term open heart.  To me it felt forceful. Like, get that crowbar away from me!  If my heart wants to close, let it close! 

I've also found the term often associated with experiences that felt like spiritual bypass, which was a no thank you for me. 

For me, embodying an open heart doesn't necessarily mean being the walking essence of compassion and forgiveness.



Embodying an open heart simply means that I am willing to risk being vulnerable in order to be known. 


How do we stay embodied and open hearted when there's been pain? 

How do we protect ourselves without armoring, and relax without collapsing? 

These are brilliant questions.

Ones we could pontificate on for ages, because the mind loves to chew on the bones of big questions in order to stay safe. 

This class will be part information session, part embodiment process, and part sandbox play date.

My intention is to give you a glimpse into a deeper form of intelligence than just your linear brain.

To give you a break from trying to figure your life out and instead, feel your way forward.

One thing I want you to know - this will not be a class in how to put your cranky, dissatisfied, closed down parts in flowy garments and get them to speak in meditation voice. 

Oh no, there will be no coat check for those biker jackets. 

In fact, these ornery misfits are our most esteemed guests. 

This party was created specifically for those crackling little bundles of life force to have their seat at the table. 

What if opening your heart was simply just making room for more of who you really are? 

Let's live into that answer. 

Join me, June 15th.

Have I piqued your interest?  

Enter your email and you'll receive the free class now through Tuesday June 21st.